06 July 2012

kind heart story: human first

kind heart story: - going to the air <<NAME withheld to protect the nice people>> office to get a flight ticket from Dawei to Rangoon/Yangon, the girl at the desk tells me...
"Oh, its quiete expensive..."
Heiko thinks: "Yep I know, it IS pricey, -- but -  I flew here, but I'm here so I have  accepted the cost as part of the price of coming.... e... my dear"  - but I said nothing just smiled.

the manager just arrived, (I was early) .... he too told me,
"Oh, it's very expensive....."
heiko thinks: "well yes, I've kinda accepted that, else I could not come here at all, I'm a rich tourist, don't worry about it.... "
but I say nothing, just nod.

"Oh ", he tells me, there is an agent that can do it cheaper, do you want that ?"
Of course.
He sends out the office boy, in pouring pelting rain-  the boy cames back with a ticket that is $7% cheaper.

I like that real humanity in Myanmar, human first, corporate robot  second.... lovely.

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